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The Best of CYBERSOCKET MAGAZINE (well, MY best anyway...)PART TWO!

Guess you musta liked what you read!  Great, bros, there's more where that came from...  Here's an article I wrote for the Summer '99 issue, another feature story--hope you dig it!
"This one’s on the house, pal--Finding friends and more in the neighborhood bar of the new millennium"
Len Whitney

"Jeez, look at you all CASUAL sitting on the bar.  Hey, buddy, why are there poppy seeds in this pretzel bowl?"  The reason I was sitting on the bar, wearing high motorcycle boots, and trying (apparently successfully) to look casual had something to do with the several large rodents that would have been scurrying across my feet had I stepped down and taken my normal place behind the bar.  As for the "poppy seeds", don’t ask.  After years as a gay nightclub bartender, this was my entry into "holding down'" a neighborhood gay bar.

From that Upper East Side rat trap to tonier watering holes from Ogunquit to Venice, the cast of characters in any gay neighborhood pub remains about the same.  If you let down your hair and surrender to the peculiar rhythms of its social give and take, you can have a funky, fun hang time.  But even back then in the early nineties, on the good nights when the furry friends were fast asleep in the kitchen or hiding in the beer cellar downstairs, I had this discomfiting sense that little gay bars like these were a dying breed.

Why? And what's going to take its place?  Going out to drink and smoke all evening, when all you're really looking for is camaraderie or a few buddies--what an anachronism that is by now.  You can't drink and drive, and the ashtray-lined bar is giving way to the litter of butts in the alley or under the awning.  Since John Travolta proclaimed health clubs to be the singles bar of the eighties (in that cinematic classic PERFECT) pundits have been pointing to new successors.  A couple of decades and a lot of technology later, the real answer is as close as the keyboard under your fingers.

The Internet is like the world’s biggest, easiest pub crawl.  No matter where you are physically, you can meet and greet guys or women of evey possible interest or persuasion, in settings rowdy or intimate, lofty or sleazy. 

Check out the array of chat communities at a one-stop gay web destination like PLANET OUT.  At , you’ll find options like "Grrl Hood Chat", "PopcornQ Movie Chat", "Religion and Spirituality Chat", and even the "Bear Cave Chat (woof woof)".  Twelve local community chat rooms span the distances from Atlanta to Australia, from Seattle to the United Kingdom.  One of the greatest things about the Internet's global reach is the irrelevance of busy or slow times of day.  If you're an early-riser in Santa Barbara, you can have a stimulating talk at 3pm PST with a niteowl in Manchester (11pm GMT). 

GayWired has a busy chat section at, and (the former miningco) has a whole menu of gay-oriented chat at , with groups for BDSM, and gay- , lesbian- , and amateur erotica.  Lately, plenty of websites include an in-house chatroom where you can meet others interested in the same subject.  One of the funniest (strange and ha-ha) aspects of this is at the raunchier sex sites.  Even in the most hardcore live-sex camera or exhibitionist sites, the regulars meet and greet with a hardy virtual slap on the back, and bore the single-minded wankers with buddy small talk about the weather, what's for dinner, and visits from out-of-town relatives. 

If you're the type who likes to find one person at an adjacent stool for a more direct personal talk with the possibility of it blooming into a closer relationship, or maybe just finding a good virtual "bar buddy", you don't have to limit yourself to chat rooms.  Tens of thousands of gay men and women around the world have personal home pages, listed on directories like Qmondo's "Gay People on the net" page at  Most of the big gay general-interest sites have lists of homepage links, usually with a short description.  If you turn up a gay metal-music buff in Maastricht that piques your interest, strike up an email friendship.  Like an old-fashioned penpal letter on speed, you can email back and forth several times a day if it suits you, or move on to private online chats like Netscape Instant Messenger or ICQ. 

What's it like getting close to a virtual buddy?  Alan has been in a committed relationship with his lover for several years, and wouldn't think of hitting a bar to meet new friends.  But one year after moving into a home-based career, he feels a little cut off from the normal office social hubbub and conversational interplay.  When he was having trouble a few months ago loading a racy gay webpage, he emailed Jim, the site's owner/operator.  Liking the tone of Jim's response, Alan struck up a friendship that has turned into a four or five times a week correspondence.  "Jim's my best buddy right now, and I've never actually met him.  At first I thought in terms of getting to know him then meeting face-to-face.  Now the closer we get, the less important actual physical meeting becomes.  I think his being kind of sexually freewheeling on the 'net  and a lot more circumspect in his personal life makes him wary of meeting his email and ICQ friends.  I can respect that.  But the great part for me is having a close friend who's on the computer a lot (like I am) and I can share a great deal of my life with, but without threatening my relationship with my lover.  How jealous can he be of an email?"

Though that correspondence turned into a mutual friendship, many times a gay webmaster serves as the virtual neighborhood bartender, listening to the stories, offering advice and a sounding board.  My website, AAARRGH!! superhero training, is ostensibly a fitness and training page livened up with my Pop comic art.  I freely offer exercise and  training supervision and advice to my website visitors, but my fans and web friends generally end up wanting to talk less about health and fitness, and more about their lives and mine.  It's almost better, in a way, 'cause I feel like they look beyond the subject matter of the website and respond directly to me.  It's like reading a book and wanting to know more about the person who wrote it -- I guess that's a compliment.  I recently added a bulletin board page so visitors to AAARRGH can communicate with each other, and I have a guestbook where they can send me messages and also see what others have written.  But none of that has proved nearly as popular as one-to-one private email messages from them to me.

As a flesh-and-blood bartender, the customers repay your attentiveness and interest with a steady stream of tips.  The regular customers know they're going to face you week after week, and feel a little responsibilty to tip well and basically stay in line.  Online, the rewards can be tangible or more abstract. 

Jeffypop, whose "Surfer Boy's XXX Mega-Site" at attracts a far-flung legion of aficionados to his galleries and live webcam sex shows, treats his online buds, affectionately dubbed  "Jeffypoppers", with courtesy and consideration.  Conscientious about responding to emails and fan requests, Jeff has gone so far as to add morning performances to his oncam schedule to accommodate European time zones.  His attention isn't lost on fans--when his weekly "Surf and Sex Report" emailed Jeffypoppers news  of a freak lightning storm that fried his modem, within hours the "bros" were bombarding him with offers of help.  When Jeffy expressed regret that his performances were unrecorded and getting "lost in the ether", one fan sent him a CD-rom of painstakingly grabbed, sorted and saved images from four months of past Jeffycam events, and another found and helped install a java application on the Jeffypop site to post a "best of Jeffycam" reruns page.  According to the surfer/sexstar, "Just like a bartender counting on tips for survival,  I have found people who truly want to help out of the goodness of their heart, and people who help with serious expectations attached.  Usually the people with expectations literally disappear as soon as they sense that they are not going to get what they want."

One big difference between engaging the guys down the bar in conversation and striking up a chatroom or ICQ friendship is self-evident, but bears repeating.   The details of who you are and what you’re like are dependent on the honor system, and subject to exaggeration and outright lies.  Online buddies come to expect a little "padding the truth", and if you're planning to keep the relationship virtual, what difference does it make if your randy 21-year old frat boy is really a 45-year old accountant whose imagination matches his overactive libido.

My friend George tends to be a little shy, but still complains how hard it is for him to meet guys.  In turn, his friend Tammi took up the matchmaking challenge and began posing as him online.  I'm not sure if her incursions into the gay male chat rooms resulted in any dates for George.  If any of his/her interested online beaus did finally meet him, they were surely struck with the difference between the soft-spoken, lanky Cuban and the fiery, hot-talking Latin lover persona dreamed up for him by his feisty friend.

So remember, even in a dimly-lit bar under the haze of three or four beers, you can get  the rough outline of your bar friend or dream date.  Online, you can imagine him however you want (or he describes himself), but don't believe all the hype.  Oh, and don't forget to empty the ashtrays in the morning, and wipe down the "bar".  Another gay ol' day on the Internet, and happy hour's waiting for you.  And on the pretzels--pure, clean salt!

[West Hollywood personal trainer and artist Len Whitney offers an attentive ear and a big strong shoulder to cry on.  Hoist a few with him at may even be good for you...]


Here's an article that appeared in the FALL'99 issue of CYBERSOCKET!

Woodshed Training:
Can You Make It on Your Own?

by Len Whitney

When I was a kid, my brothers and sisters used to catch me sneaking
glances at old "I'll make a MAN out of you!" Charles Atlas, and would
tease me incessantly that I was going to write away for the Dynamic
Tension home workout system.

When I did decide to work out and build my body, fear of ridicule drove
me deep underground. I had a little clearing in the woods with some
rocks of various sizes that served as my prehistoric dumbbell array,
where I would attempt my best, untutored version of Jack LaLanne’s
muscle calisthenics. While it worked, I was glad when I graduated from
high school, moved to Hollywood and found a whole GYM full of leopard
loincloth-clad iron-pumpers.

That's still my feeling today, but many of you may still fear the sting
of comparison and imagined ridicule working out in a communal setting.
And many of us lack the time, money or easy access to a gym or health
club. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from working out at home:
You can buy a few pairs of dumbbells and thrift stores are littered with
weight benches and last year's hot cardio machines, like the Nordic
Track. But in that thrift store haul of barely used apparatus, take
heed: When you go it alone, you're a lot more apt to leave it alone.

The Internet is full of sites where you can find great exercises,
equipment and supplements to make your dream a reality. Pro Sports
Nutrition Depot has the latest and greatest nutritional aids at, and all the major muscle magazines are online these days. 
But magazines, iron and bottles of pills don't work any magic on their own—
unless you use them.

Even if you'd rather die than set foot in a spandex-drenched cutthroat
health club, you should at least find a buddy with whom you can work
out. If you do basic movements like push-ups and abdominal crunches, and
try to confine your weight training to dumbbells, you can minimize the
necessity of having someone to spot you. Still, you're never going to
push yourself as hard when you don’t have a friend goading you on. If
you really refuse to work out with someone else, at least find a buddy
online, and honestly keep each other apprised of your workout
achievements, plateaus and discoveries. An excellent way to do this
is to post a message on a bulletin board online and find someone with
whom you can relate. One of the best is at the Bodybuilding and Fitness
Men's Forum at Muscular Men:
Another essential site for those looking for fitness and bodybuilding
information is the Muscular Men Webring at;id=2;list.

One of the biggest sources of motivation to build or improve your body
comes from looking at other's people's bodies. There's nothing like
locker room motivation to keep you in line. If you're honestly too
introverted to go glute-to-glute with the rest of the gang in the
changing room and communal showers, really look at people and their
builds. Pick out others who seem to have the same kind of frame as you,
but who may be further along in their development (nice euphemism there,
no?). Visualize your body growing more like theirs, and make it happen.
This does not mean you have to spend all day looking at screen shots of
hard, chiseled bodies squeezed into little or no clothing. Rather, it
means keeping your chin up and learning from those around you.

You don't have to work out next to the oiled demigods in a big health
club and you don't have to work out at home alone with the blinds drawn.
There IS a compromise. Every city and most small towns have nice,
friendly neighborhood gyms where you'll work out next to the boy or girl
next door. To find your nearest neighborhood gym, you might want to look
up the International Health, Racquetball and Sports Club Association at You can even specify the  facilities
and activities you are looking for, put in  your ZIP code and the search
engine will match you up. True, a little neighborhood place may not have
every state of the art machine for every body part—but you didn't have
that at home either, did you? And believe me, it's all a lot easier on
the calluses than lifting stones in the woods.

Hollywood fitness trainer/artist Len Whitney is adept at lifting weights
AND paintbrushes. Check out his way with a canvas and an ab crunch at


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This page updated September 7, 1999